I want there to be another independence referendum at some stage. I want Scotland to be independent, but I wouldn't choose to have it happen because England votes to come out of the E.U.

Nicola Sturgeon
Some Similar Quotes
  1. You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it. - Roy T. Bennett

  2. Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose. - Tehyi Hsieh

  3. The most important thing is this: to be able at any moment to be free to choose a life that makes you happy. - Roy T. Bennett

  4. Part of being of a true existentialist is wanting to be what we make ourselves be by the way we choose to act, as opposed to making excuses for the way we act and regretting it. - Gary Cox

  5. Our true nature is one of innocence and freedom to choose how we live. We need to be brave enough not to give that away. Don't give up on your right to, and sense of, TRUTH, Justice, and GRACE. - Jay Woodman

More Quotes By Nicola Sturgeon
  1. Equality and prosperity shouldn't be seen as enemies of each other, but as partners. One reinforces the other.

  2. I am a social democrat - I believe in pursuing greater equality and tackling social justice - but... you can't do that unless you have got a strong economy, unless you have got a vibrant business base earning the wealth that makes that possible.

  3. True gender equality in Scotland - and elsewhere - is still some way off.

  4. My pledge to you is that the SNP will put women and gender equality right at the heart of the Westminster agenda.

  5. Scotland is not a region of the U.K.; Scotland is a nation, and if we cannot protect our interests within a U.K. that is going to be changing fundamentally, then that right of Scotland to consider the options of independence has to be there.

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